"Do you ever wait for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always wait for the longest day of the year and then miss it!" Daisy Buchanan of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I find that there are a million things to be thankful for this week, the least of which not being the longest day of the year (which I DO always watch for) and the anniversary of the publication of my first book, "The Green Locket: Legends and Lessons from Near and Far." Three years ago today the greatest dream of my whole entire life was actualized when I received the message that this dream was in fact an official reality. Holding the very first copy in my hands was a feeling unlike any other I've ever had... Scratch that.
Fun fact: When I found out the book was published and was going to print, my first phone call went to my mom. Let's just say girlfriend can on-line shop faster than anyone else you know and she also had expedited shipping. So, guess who got their copy of my book delivered first? Yep. Not me. Her shopping prowess even beat the copy the publisher sent me, and I was reduced to asking my mom what it really looked and felt like in person. Womp. So if you're looking for the first edition, I don't have it. Call my mom.
That was three years ago this very week and to commemorate the anniversary of such an exciting occasion, I've decided to give away a few copies of my book to those of you who have been so wonderfully supportive of my work all along. I will personalize them, of course, with a special message and send them to you myself with love. All you have to do to be entered is to click this link and like my Facebook page (if you already liked it then you're ahead of the game!) and share my book giveaway post. Later this week, I will select three winners and message them for shipping details!
As excited as I am to celebrate the third anniversary of The Green Locket, I'm even more excited to report that my second book, The American Locket is nearing completion. This book, still a book of short stories, but vastly more grown-up than its predecessor, has pushed my writing and creative abilities far beyond the limits I thought I had. I have never written anything more personal, more revealing, more raw or more challenging. I've also never written anything more "me." The writing process is in its final stages now and editing is on the horizon. No single venture in my life has ever been more important to me and I cannot wait to share this with all of you. I humbly thank you for the bottom of my heart for your support and I look forward to keeping you entertained and interested with the second book - the latest chapter of my adventure! Happy Longest Day of the Year, Happy Birthday Green Locket and Cheers to you, friends, for staying with me through every moment of this incredible journey! All my love! -Kelly